Monday, February 23, 2009

Poetic Monday

Alphabetically, it falls at the end of my bloglist, but today it should be at the top. BadAssKona over at We Came, We Saw, We Came has a delicious poem posted this morning. Been trying to pick out a couple of favorite lines, but can't. Just go read it and see if it doesn't make you hungry too.

This follows Craig Sorensen's lovely dream of spring from Saturday. 

Makes me want to post a poem. I will have to search and maybe post one later.


Marina said...

Hi! I went to BAK's blog - the poem is fantastic! Very yummy!
I wanted to post a comment there, but his word verification thingy wasn't working!

Erobintica said...

Hi Marina,

I found out (purely by accident) that if you click the publish button anyway, despite the little question mark box, that often it'll give you a new word.

Since it's now Tuesday, I guess I should Mardi Gras it up.

Craig Sorensen said...

Well thank you for mentioning my little poem, Robin!

verification word: being.

Need I say more?

Erobintica said...

You're most welcome Craig. I've always liked little poems much more than epics. :-)