Monday, July 5, 2010

So, what do you want to read about?

Lately I've been having trouble coming up with ideas of what to write about here.

I'm behind in some of the stuff that I would write about here, like reviews and stuff, though I will get to those, I PROMISE! If you could only see my room, you'd understand.

So, I was thinking of just writing about different topics, let myself think out loud. I do like getting into a subject, researching a bit, thinking about it, and then just writing. But what about? 

That's where you dear readers (as many or as few as you may be) come in. What would you like me to expound upon? Preferably the subject will have some erotic component. So send in your cards and letters (okay, okay, leave a comment) and GIVE ME SOME IDEAS!


But I'm getting them in email notifications. My problem is I am not inspired these days.


Danielle said...

hm..i d like to read about the things that inspire you.."the every day" erotik moments that slip in your head and grow into stories...

Jo said...

Ohh, I think this is a get out of jail free card here - we want to read about what strikes YOU, I'm afraid. No cluesies!

Craig Sorensen said...

I come here because I enjoy your writing, and getting to know what inspires you as a writer. This probably isn't too helpful, but just relax and express yourself.

Sorry I don't have something more concrete...

Erobintica said...

Well, that's weird. I have 3 email notifications of comments, but none showing up here yet, so this is a test.

Erobintica said...

oh, they showed up finally! though the count is wrong (it says 2 right now on the post)

so, guess I'll reply.

Danielle, oh, thinking of that that makes me so nervous and naked feeling. Window to the soul kinda stuff. Scary. So maybe I should.

Jo. Hahahaha. Damn, they're onto me!

Craig, thanks. And that was quite concrete.

Guess I'm just gonna have to start getting more naked!

Emerald said...

I see that the response that comes to me does not seem original as per the other comments...

I was going to say (and apparently am still saying) that I have tended to appreciate/enjoy reading whatever you have felt moved to post about. Question: Do you feel uninspired, or is something in you censoring yourself?


Erobintica said...

To answer your question Em, yes and yes. With maybe the second yes being a partial cause of the first yes. With both being caused by other factors in my life. It's a nasty, vicious circle, which I'm trying very hard to break out of.