Thursday, January 15, 2009

This fuckin' sucks

Earlier today I was thinking about how we use certain words. We hear bad news and say "that sucks" or we have a day that's "sucky." We get mad at someone or something and say "fuck you" or "fuck that!" or just "fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck" in frustration. The list could go on and on. George Carlin pondered this one for us long ago. I miss George - took my mom to see him live at the Circle Star Theater for her birthday when I was 18 - long time ago. Okay, that was a little side trip down memory lane.

Yesterday we got some bad news. There's been lots of bad news lately - for a lot of people - we're nothing special. And it sucks. That was my first thought. But then I thought about my writing - where suck means something much nicer. And then I thought about how my approach to life is changing with this new pursuit of mine (erotica). I'm already seeing ... how can I say this? ... I see more possibilities than I had before. Empowerment through porn? Hahaha. We shall see. But thinking up erotic story lines is a whole lot better than sitting around worrying and feeling sorry for myself. 

1 comment:

Erobintica said...

Thanks Kirsten. That clip was hysterical - " play hide and go fuck yourself."

Yeah, I had a few moments (well, okay, more than a few) when I found out that we've joined the economic dominos falling - but that's life - and we're luckier than a lot.

Ah, I like that sentiment - stay horny.

Only good organic homegrown tomatoes would look good in a thong. When I start perusing seed catalogs in anticipation of spring, I will imagine how the varieties of tomatoes would look in a thong as I make my choices. Should be fun.