Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Pegging the umbrella

Last night my husband and I sat down and went over an old story that I'd sent him for editorial comment. He'd suggested that rather than just send me a marked-up copy, we should sit down together - more instructional that way. He's an editor in real life - this is NOT always a good thing - I've learned I have too much invested emotionally with my poetry to get feedback from him, but for some reason it's different with my erotica - and how many words was that? hahaha. I don't have a grammar and punctuation fetish as you'll come to know if you read this blog regularly. 

Not sure how many of these moldy oldies I'll drag out - this one was pretty bad - but good for a laugh. If anyone ever sees this particular piece, it will be completely changed. Trust me. We spent a fair amount of time going over this story (there was A LOT wrong with it) and laughed till we hurt. He would quick switch screens to eBay when one of the kids came down, which of course they kept doing because they heard mom & dad laughing. 

Early in the story the female lead hangs an umbrella on a peg. There is no reason for this to be in there, and hubby (hope he doesn't mind me calling him hubby) commented about her "pegging the umbrella" and we had a hard time regaining our composure. He says he wants credit for coining a new term if it catches on. "There you go, pegging the umbrella again." I kinda like it.  ;-)

Speaking of composure, my latest entry in Alison Tyler's contest was "Losing Her Composure," which I think I will post and talk about in my next blog entry. 

But for now, try not to peg too many umbrellas.

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