Something grabbed me today and hauled me off into that back alley and forced me to write. And not write pretty. It wasn't until much later in the day that I realized that it's the full moon. The Full Pink Moon, as KM wrote about a couple of weeks ago.
This past weekend, Helia Brookes, in her Beginner's Ball #3 blog post, spoke about using fantasies as wellsprings for stories. Today, I did that. And it's kind of scary. Because not only did I write it, I've already sent it out as a submission. Less than twenty minutes ago.
Whew! This morning when I got up, that was not in the plans.
So, we'll see what happens.
The image above (if I don't screw up the formatting) is another of Randy Lagana's works - a charcoal drawing - Only By Moonlight. I thought it was very fitting.
God, I love Randy's work.
And a full moon.
I drove home tonite with my car's moon roof wide open, even though it was only 42 degrees outside.
Heaven. Today was a fabulous day.
Robin, good luck with your submission. The "Pink Moon Chronicles" perhaps?
It's definitely bravery!
Go with that flow, Robin, and good luck with the submission.
cerulean - ah, I've driven with my roof open (and the heated seats on to be honest) during much colder nights.
Today looks gorgeous too, though I guess rain is on the way.
Yeah, it's funny, I sent Randy an email saying I was using this image and he wrote back he'd been thinking that this was one I might want to use. I have a feeling I'll be using some more often - they're just so perfect.
Thanks Craig. Hitting that send button is always so fraught with conflicting emotions for me. And then somehow the email wasn't received. (Just had a discussion with my husband about that - 'tis a Mac/PC thing). Anyhow. I resent it with fingers crossed.
This sounds like a case of artistic inspiration if there ever was one! Some stories do come quicker than others, so to speak, but it always does feel unsettling to let your baby go whizzing off through cyberspace. I hope it meets sympathetic editorial eyes on the other side--and have a feeling it will :-).
Hi Donna,
Oh, this is one of those been-meaning-to-write-for-awhile-but-afraid-to type of stories. It's edgier than a lot of other stuff I've written. And I knew I had to let it go quickly or I'd edit the hell out of it and kill it.
I'm really nervous about it. Hope to have my husband read it later (though nervous about that too - haha - I wonder how many other writers hesitate to show work to spouses?). I'm so new at this - it's hard to judge.
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