Today's the day! Coming Together: Al Fresco is available, and my first (!!!) longer published story "Wet As Spring" is in it! (I know, I'm using lots of !!!!!! - but I'm excited!)
The latest in Alessia Brio's charity anthology series, Coming Together: Al Fresco features stories in which the action takes place without a bed... or a bedroom. All proceeds benefit Conservation International. GREEN is the new black!
Wooohoo!! Go Robin!
I need to come up with a book budget ;)
Congrats, that is just so cool!
What a happy milestone! Big, big congrats to you ... and to Al F.!
Yay Robin!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!
Woohoo! Big congrats, Robin! Happy release day!! :)
Way to go, Robin! Congrats!!
Gee, thanks everyone - Jen, Jeremy, Marina, Cora & pshaven.
I'm actually really anxious to read Sommer's story - I love the title!
Congratulations! It's a lovely day here, I should go have my lunch outside ;-).
Congrats, congrats, congrats. :D Yay, you! And earth. Obviously. We must yay earth being all al fresco and whatnot...
Thanks Sommer - back atcha!
Woot! Great to see you out there in the mix. Looks like a great collection!
CONGRATULATIONS, Robin!! Very exciting!!! (I've been known to use a lot of exclamation points in such instances too. ;) )
Thanks Craig & Emerald!
(it's late and I'm tired and can't think of anything witty to say)
My fingers didn't make it over here yesterday to also say, Congratulations!
Congratulations! That's so cool. Yah, you. ;-)
Thanks Neve - so many blogs so little time ;-)
Congratulations, Al Fresco Earth Day babe!
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