So now that you've written some zesty little story (or two or three or forty), what to do? Tuck it into a drawer? Or do you harbor some long-simmering desire to share it with more than just your lover? Maybe even get it published?
Years ago, when I read Susie Bright's How To Write A Dirty Story, and got to the chapter "A Devil's Argument Against Publishing" - well, I was taken aback (I've always wanted to use that phrase). Yes, the world of publishing is a cruel and heartless world full of ogres. And if you write something full of passion and just keep it to yourself, or maybe just share with one other special person and never ever never think of publishing it, you're the better person for it. But. What if the writer of some of my favorite works (be they poems, novels, or smutty stories) had decided to keep it to themselves? If Shakespeare or Whitman or Susie Bright for that matter had opted to not share? I personally thought that would be dreadful. Also, on some level I felt it as a slap for wanting to maybe have someone else - a stranger no less - read some of my deepest, darkest fantasies. That was my own guilt and shame slapping. Thank pron I'm over that! Sorta. Kinda. Maybe.
But basically, I'm a fairly shy person. I was the classic wallflower in high school. Never raised my hand. Got sick to my stomach before having to give an oral report. I've joked about being invisible at times. Yet, I'm a writer. And I like to have other people read what I write. Now I get up and read - sometimes even perform - in front of people. But that's poetry. I've been doing that long enough that I don't stress too much. This erotica stuff is new. I like doing this blog - which is read by friends and strangers alike. But when it comes to sharing my erotica/porn/smut/whatever, I find that I seem to have two left feet (or is it two right feet?) when it comes to sharing the dance that is my writing.
Sharing as in ... sharing with a spouse/lover, sharing with a close friend or another writer or sending it out into the world to be considered for publication. But rather than ramble on about what I think, I figured we'd get a discussion going in comments about this subject.
So, here's some questions:
Do you share your writing with your spouse/lover? Some? All? When? Why or why not? What's been their reaction? If you have worries, have they been realized or are you just stressing/obsessing for no reason?
Do you have any close friends (in as I've heard it called, the meat world) that you share your work with? What about other writers? Do you have a writing group that you've brought some of your erotica to?
Do you have a plan for submitting your work? (I'm assuming you're going to.) Or is it haphazard? How do you decide where to send something? Are you picky or don't you care? Do you stress about it? (Not going to get into the acceptance/rejection thing here.)
And for those of you who've been published, has that changed any of the above for you?
Okay, is that enough? Hahaha. Probably too much. Now I'm going to go do the dishes and come back and answer my own questions.