Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Today has been one of those days. You've had them. Little things happen that just make you sit back and say WOW. I was going to write more and embed a youtube but I think I'll keep that for tomorrow. Yesterday I said I'd post a poem and I never did. Today I'm in a different place - feeling very contemplative and as I was cruising through some old poems I came across this one and since it fits where I'm at today - I'm going to post it without dragging out the editor's pen. Can't remember how old it is, but I last revised it 3 years ago. Not quite a moldy oldy.

- The true mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible.
Oscar Wilde

She tries to write a poem
about being invisible,
but the ink never appears
on the page,
the letters never appear
on the screen.
The thoughts that do come
she is unhappy with.
Discards them without
giving them a chance.

He asks the question
with the intention of just
offering up an interesting puzzle.
Which would you choose?
To be able to fly
or to be invisible?
Their children answer eagerly,
think this question fun,
give their answers,
then run off laughing.
It seems they all want to be
invisible, think of fun things
they could do if
given the chance.

She says quietly that she would
choose flight. She already knows
what it’s like to be invisible.
Spent years perfecting the skill of
fading into desks, walls, crowds.
All it took was a little bit of silence,
and poof! She could vanish.
Invisibility isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
She would rather be able to fly.
Given half a chance.


Craig Sorensen said...


Excellent, Robin. What a great study on self realization.

Janine Ashbless said...

Double wow!

Erobintica said...

Thanks Craig and Janine. I'm bleary this morning or I'd say more.

Anonymous said...

Quietly beautiful. Thanks Robin.

Erobintica said...

Thanks Emerald.

It's funny, this was one of those toss away poems - one I was never quite happy enough with. And it was written quite a few years ago, but the other day it was like I could have written it right then - well, except for the kids part - two are out of the house now and the last left at home would not be caught dead running and laughing - he's 15 ya know.

anyhow - thanks for ... "getting it"

Anonymous said...

I have been sometimes amazed when I have gone back and read poems I wrote years ago that seem to say or imply or understand things that I do now feel aware of but did not feel aware of then. If that makes any sense...I really have found it repeatedly striking.

To me, this poem said something. I don't mean that lightly.

Very best to you.

Erobintica said...

Emerald - I have been sometimes amazed when I have gone back and read poems I wrote years ago that seem to say or imply or understand things that I do now feel aware of but did not feel aware of then. If that makes any sense...I really have found it repeatedly striking.

Makes perfect sense.

I also find it interesting, though I guess not surprising, how many erotica writers are also poets.