I got my first acceptance!
What was going to be a rant from me today on the topic of corporate BDSM (at my hubby's job - they're yanking his chain - don't get me started - nobody is having fun and there is no safe word) has instead morphed into a happy dance.

My story Wet as Spring will be included in Coming Together: Al Fresco (there's the pre-order page) and I'm so excited that I can't contain myself.
I wish I knew how to get the cover picture on here, but since I'm new at this - though I guess
no longer Extra Virgin - I'll just have to stick with links.

Hey! I did it!
It's coming out on Earth Day and I'm so excited (did I already say that?) to have my first published story be in one of Alessia Brio's Coming Together Anthologies.
I could blabber on for ages, but I have to go help get a broken-down truck home. Actually, to tell the truth, I didn't get champagne, but this. Trader Joe's had it - they'd just put it on the shelf 2 hours before I was in there today.
Oh shit! I have to write a bio!
Yeah! Yippy! Way to go! This is great news! I'm so happy for you! Congratulations! Can't wait to read it!
(Needed some good news - this gives me hope for the universe - THANKS!)
High fives ... tens ... and twenties, Robin!!! (Hold on a second while I take my socks off for the twenties.) Helia and I will be toasting your success tonight—the beginning of your illustrious publishing career in erotica!
I think Coming Together is a terrific series, both for its erotic content and its fund-raising for important causes.
And I love your story title!
I hope once you're done dealing with the truck, you can spend the rest of the weekend celebrating!!
Marina - Thank you! (((hugs)))
Jeremy - my, what nice socks you have. Seriously, thank you.
and yes, the truck is home. Whew. It's funny, I'm kinda speechless right now.
Congratulations! This is fabulous news and I know it's only the beginning. Still, the first acceptance will always be the sweetest in a way for me.
Tell me about corporate BDSM, I have to watch that pretty show from the sidelines myself--but a few sips of champagne and it's but a dream. Better yet, put the boss in your next "real" BDSM story!
I'll be toasting you, too, with some Malbec here on the west coast :-).
Thanks Donna. This story is special to me for a number of reasons, so this is great that it's my first!
Yay, Robin!
Congratulations to you!
A nice beginning, too.
It's a lovely series!
Enjoy your bubbles!
Framboise! I will be there post haste!
Congrats, congrats, congrats! That is great.
Hate bios. Get drunk (on framboise) and write it. That is the best way to go.
Congrats. I said that already, but fuck it. :)
This is EXCELLENT news! Congratulations! Yowza, yowza!
Congratulations Robin!!!! Fabulous news! Congratulations on submitting it, and congratulations on its acceptance!! ;)
Yay, congratulations!
And your first cover has got a bit of a bloke on it. Here's hoping you'll get many, many more!
Wow! Thanks everybody. *passes out glasses of bubbly*
EllaRegina - thanks, you've been such an inspiration.
Sommer - thanks - good idea - I hate writing bios - gotta do it with my poetry and they're always changing so you have to keep doing them - ack! - maybe I'll take your advice. ;-)
Neve - Thank you! Yowza indeed!
Emerald - thank you thank you thank you ;-)
Kristina - thanks, yeah, I'm pretty happy about that myself. ok - was just going to get started on that here but decided not to, hahaha. more later.
Kirsten - Thanks. Unfortunately, I've met the mucky mucks and I'm not sure I'd want to waste my time. hahaha.
Well, I'm going to celebrate right now by going out and taking a walk for the first time in days - I think it's finally gotten out of the 20s.
thank you all - again - wow
hahaha, I screwed up my own comment posting on my own blog.
As a veteran of corporate BDSM skirmishes, my congratulations on your first acceptance.
Sweet, isn't it?
The next one will be too.
And the one after that.
And so on...
Thanks Craig. I imagine they're all sweet. And let me tell you, I've got quite a backlog tumbling around in my brain.
My only problem now is finding the time to write - this next week is insane with activities and deadlines and meanwhile my mind is conjuring...
Wow! Congratulations! And the Coming Together books are so particularly cool--plus Earth Day! Awesome!
Yum, I love framboise lambic. I'm drooling and it's only mid-afternoon--too soon to drink. Enjoy enjoy enjoy!
Thank you Helia,
I will pour you a virtual cup. ;-) Yeah, for reasons of my own, I'm particularly pleased that my first published story will be in this collection.
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