Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A link and a cheer

Today, I weighed in on the Paypal debacle over at the blog We Who Are About To Die, where I have a once-in-a-while gig as The Naughty Librarian.


I'll probably write down some thoughts here at another time. Lately I've been very busy with packing up my household in anticipation of putting our house on the market and moving (when it sells) to Maine. Writing has sort of taken a back seat to all that. But not entirely.

Today I got an acceptance email! Looking forward to announcing that soon. But it couldn't have come at a better time. :)

I know I've been neglecting this space, but rest assured I've not abandoned it. I'll be back once the house is ready. In the meantime its packing and sanding and painting.

*Oh. Just found out that the link to Coming Together: Al Fresco, the anthology containing my first published erotica story, takes you to a page that requires you to log in before you can see the results. Great way to do business!